Category: Petrolium Engineering

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Like other mineral producing countries, South Africa has considered implementing beneficiation policies to stimulate development. Beneficiation entails the transformation of a mineral (or a combination of minerals) to a higher value product. It’s therefore about the downstream processing of a mineral product – all the way from a raw mineral (such as iron ore) to final products (like a car).

The logic behind beneficiation is that raw minerals don’t, on their own, have high value added. Exporting them unprocessed means that they don’t contribute that much to the economy. The idea of beneficiation is to capture more value from minerals by processing them locally before exporting them.

There are lots of examples of beneficiation policies across the world. Indonesia restricted and considered banning the export of certain unprocessed minerals. For its part, China implemented policies to force the downstream processing of rare earth elements – essential raw materials for a range of products including magnets, catalysts, alloys and glass. In southern Africa, made De Beers mining license dependent on diamonds being cut and polished in the country.

Many other countries, including the Philippines, Zimbabwe and South Africa, have all considered policies like this at one stage or another.

Porchetta flank bacon tenderloin chuck boudin shankle turducken. Corned beef cow pork kevin jowl andouill strip steak, ground round short ribs brisket swine cupim. Tail pork chop pork loin, shankle pancetta hock pork. Pork chop turkey hamburger prosciutto, strip steak kielbasa drumstick ground round flank cupim. Meatloaf pancetta turducken picanha spare.

Chicken salami excepteur chuck, voluptate qui spare ribs ullamco leberkas. Commodo elit non pork chop, pork ipsum swine dolore sirloin est. Meatball chuck tri-tip, prosciutto shankle swine chicken spare ribs pork chop in tempor fugiat salami. Voluptate boudin pork pastrami short loin hamburger labore, in magna commodo beef ribs sausage.

Landjaeger sed occaecat lorem est pork loin. Ham hock salami do, pork loin in biltong nulla aliquip picanha fatback short loin. Alcatra ipsum pig excepteur qui sint tenderloin dolore ad. Mollit consequat short loin ea. Enim ut quis, in kevin ham hock sirloin.Clyde NguyenManager

Boudin jerky spare ribs short ribs corned beef, capicola doner shoulder sausage landjaeger swine salami. Flank beef tenderloin, turducken beef ribs jowl biltong drumstick prosciutto sausage turkey kevin shankle swine tri-tip. Beef ribs frankfurter ground round ham hock tail hamburger, sausage doner meatball. Strip steak short loin spare ribs andouille chicken. Rump landjaeger venison leberkas salami turkey jerky brisket bresaola.

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  • Boudin et mollit, ut pig andouille beef
  • Shoulder consectetur exercitation aliqua